Purposed Life University - OpenLearning

God's Purpose is our Passion

Did you know that everyone has a purpose? That’s right! EVERYONE. Not just well-known people, not just Christian people, not just rich people, not just “good” people. God created every one of us with an intended purpose for our lives. Sadly, very few people actually discover and/or live out their purpose because they don't know how to find it or how to live it out. At The Purposed Life University, we see PURPOSE in everyone and our job is to look beyond a person's exterior and make them aware and confident of all of their God-given talents and potential so that you can live their best life and intentionally walk in purpose. Our online learning platform includes a School of Business, School of Publishing, School of Ministry and, School of Life


Courtney Artiste

My name is Courtney Artiste, owner and founder of the Purposed Life University. I am an author, publisher, mentor, and minister who has helped many people disc...
