Aperture LanguaCulture - OpenLearning

Aperture LanguaCulture - Adjusting Focus on the World

Aperture Languaculture is an innovative cross-cultural learning program developed by Dr. Robert Greene Sands and Pieter DeVisser of LangauCulture that promotes the development and application of transferable knowledge, skills and abilities to help navigate, make sense of social and cultural behavior and be successful in complex and often uncertain and risk-filled environments. Aperture is based on the research and experience of producing critical learning programs for the US Department of Defense and the individual Services to address needed language, region and culture deficiencies that threaten the success of missions and the lives of military and civilian populations. Aperture learning is constructed with sound pedagogical practices and instructional design. Blended learning methods produce relevant and tested curriculum and delivery where curriculum invigorates intra and interpersonal cross-cultural competencies.

