STTP Training Center - OpenLearning

STTP Training Center

The STTP Training Center was developed as an overseeing agency to provide content and oversight for the training and certification of professionals using the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol for Assessment and Treatment of Tongue Thrust. The STTP Training Center will ensure competency and consistency throughout the certification process. It will also serve as a resource for individuals seeking providers who have demonstrated competency in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of tongue thrust.


STTP Training Center offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses related to tongue thrust, professional collaboration related to tongue thrust, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment using the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol. The general public are welcome in the introductory courses with no prior experience needed. Intermediate courses are tailored to those who have some knowledge of tongue thrust either directly or indirectly as professionals. Advanced courses are required for certification in the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol administration and use and require learning of course content, competency assessment and skills demonstration.

Cally Stone

Cally R Stone MS, CCC-SLP is an Idaho licensed and ASHA certified clinical Speech Language Pathologist.  Her clinical work with tongue thrust came initially as...
